Becoming a member of SDVC carries with it the following exclusive benefits and privileges:

SDVC Announcements & E-blasts/Follow-up Communications
All members in good standing may make short announcements of their upcoming events, provide literature/flyers to the resource table, and send short notices and reminders to the Secretary for inclusion in the eblast summary sent to the SDVC email list after the meeting. With the Chairperson’s approval, friends and ex-officio members may do the same. Members will not use the SDVC coalition email list for any non-SDVC purpose and doing so shall constitute cause for removal.
Only current sustaining members may use the SDVC logo on their advertising and websites. The logo shall clearly include the year and shall be colored in bronze, silver or gold to indicate the level of support. The board shall monitor the use of the SDVC logo and shall enforce this provision through direct communication with the offender regarding any unauthorized use ofthe SDVC logo. Individual and regular dues paying members may not use the SDVC logo on any printed or digital graphics not authorized separately by a vote of the SDVC board. Ex-officio members and friends who do not pay dues may not be permitted to use the SDVC logo. Organizations and persons using the SDVC logo whose membership has been removed or whose dues are not current will be informed to cease use of the logo and the board is authorized to take necessary action to achieve that result.
Presentation Opportunities
Officialy SDVC Members and non-members can give presentations at the general body meeting to our service providers and members. Fill out a request here. However, official SDVC members receive priority as one of their benefits.

Special Meetings & Events
From time to time special meetings and events may take place that may be restricted by membership type. Persons who are not invited will not be admitted.
Annual Recognition Events may be held to recognize sustaining members. Ticket prices for attendees may vary according to membership type.
Special speakers and presentations may be employed to do open or closed sessions for SDVC. Invitations and attendance may vary according to membership type for some speakers and presentations.
Collaborative Projects and Grant Opportunities
SDVC exists to serve veterans and their families. From time to time, projects may be proposed that will present members an opportunity to join together and apply for a grant to fund their work. SDVC will assist in bringing collaborators together based on the agency’s participation in SDVC meetings and work and attendance and participation as well as level of support may be used to determine the agencies that are considered along with experience and capability of the partners and need for those skills for the project. Members of all levels will be encouraged to bring ideas for collaboration on any funding potential that fits with the mission and goals of SDVC.
Discounts, Freebies and Special Opportunities
Occasionally, SDVC may seek member discounts, free merchandise and special opportunities that are sought on behalf of our partners. These may be limited or unlimited and the determination of who shall receive them may be determined by the board according to membership level.
Leadership Opportunities
All elected leaders of SDVC will be selected from dues paying membership. Board members are expected to set the example and “give or get” funding for SDVC that meets the lowest sustaining level to remain in good standing. The chairperson may grant a waiver of this requirement if special circumstances exist that support it.